Sabado, Nobyembre 19, 2016

“I am not a kid, I am the change"
By Rolando H. Amboc Jr

I speak not to impress, I speak as a voice of the Youths that are believe to be the Hope of one's nation and I am one of that Youth who wish to be the hope of my country. But how should I grow if the government didn't want to listen on my sentiments. I grew up in this world victim of various adversities and crisis; poverty, severe famine, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption, violence and many more.
I tried to speak on the issues before, but my parents said that I am just a kid and a kid like me has no power to tamper the government. I insist myself to speak into during the Barangay assembly but my mother stop me for doing so. I respected my mother's decision and remain in silence for how many years.
Yes, I am just a kid who thrives and breathes in this land of pearl- Philippines, but that kid grew and finally developed into more rational, erudite and dauntless. I am no longer a kid but a Youth who fight for my right and be an agent of change. But I myself am worried still, for I feel that the government might reject my resentments and disregard my ideas for nation. But I believe that through the power of all Youths we can cure the sick government and make a change. Let us prove to them that we are the hope of our country and that we need to be productive for the generations to come.
It's time to break your shell and stand before our nation to speak for change. We are no longer kids; let us put together the unfortunates to their best fortune, the unjust to strive for justice and the present and even the future generation's endeavor.
Honor and dignity may flow in our blood and TOGETHER we can save our nation.

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